Organic Agriculture - It’s good for nature, and it’s good for you.

What is it

The organic agriculture is a production system which has as its objectives the sustainable use of non-renewable resources, the respect for the environment and the preservation of the natural soil fertility, using appropriate agricultural techniques to provide the consumer with high quality and healthy products obtained respecting the environment, the landscape and the animal welfare;  therefore high standards of quality and food safety are guaranteed with a range of products obtained in harmony with the characteristics of the territory and the seasonal cycles.

Organic agriculture is regulated on an European level by Reg. CE 834/2007, replacing Reg. CE 2092/1991, later supplemented by Reg. CE 889/2008, and on National level by D.M. 18354/2009.

The main principles are:

  • the prohibition of the use of synthetic chemicals (for example fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides and other pesticides of synthetic origin);
  • the prohibition of the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and products produced (for example modified corn starch, soya lecithin) or obtained from GMOs (for example enzymes);
  • the requirement to use crop rotations to favor the efficient use of resources;
  • the fertilization of soils using natural products (manure or other organic substances, preferably produced on the farm);
  • the cultivation of plants species and varieties suited to the land and the local climate and more resistant to adversity and pests;
  • the adoption of appropriate agronomic measures (corrected times of crop rotation, protection of the natural soil fertility and quality) and good management practices to protect the natural balance, creating favorable conditions for the different crops;
  • the use of rearing techniques respectful of the animal welfare, differentiated according to the needs of different species and breeds of livestock (loose or outdoor housing, feeding adapted to the nutritional requirements giving preference to the use of grass and biological forage, high level of physical exercise, space and adequate ventilation…);
  • the prevention of disease by strengthening the animals’ immune system favored by physical exercise, adequate food, use, when necessary, of homeopathic cures;
  • the reduction and, as far as possible, the elimination of all forms of pollution charged to the different environmental compartments (soil and subsoil, water resources, air, etc.);
  • the maintaining a high level of biodiversity;
  • the protection of the agricultural landscape (agroecosystem) and land resources.

How to recognize

The labeling system and the organic logo “Euro-leaf” represent the essential tools that certify and guarantee to the consumer that the products sold "organic" actually originate from organic farming or that:
- At least 95% of the agricultural ingredients have been organically produced. Only in this case may appear the words "organic" or an abbreviation of the name of the product sale.
Below this threshold, it’s possible insert the reference to organic only in the ingredient list;
- The product has been processed and / or packaged according to the EU regulations and is contemplated in Reg. 834/2007 and 889/2008;
- The product complies with national regulations, approved in each EU member state, the control and certification system.
The labeling system of “organic” products refers to the “bio”:
- in the sales denomination;
- in the list of ingredients;
- in the certification.
It also provides useful indications about the origin of the “bio” products by the words:
- “EU Agriculture”, where the agricultural raw material has been farmed in the EU;
- “non-EU Agriculture”, where the agricultural raw material has been farmed in third countries;
- “EU/non-EU Agriculture”, where part of the agricultural raw materials has been farmed in the Community and a part of it has been farmed in a third country.
The indication "EU" or "non-EU" may be replaced or supplemented by the country's name, in the event that all agricultural materials of which the product is composed, have been farmed in that country (for example, "Italian Agriculture").
The EU organic logo is mandatory from 1st July 2010 according to Reg. EC 271/2010, for all pre-packaged and certified organic products in conformity to the Reg. EC 843/2007, while it is optional for organic products imported from third countries.
Also it can’t be used on labels of products with organic ingredients, products of hunting or fishing and products still in conversion to organic farming.
The EU logo consists of a stylized leaf, inscribed in a rectangle, formed by twelve five-pointed stars, in accordance with the guidelines set out in Annex XI of the Reg. EC 889/2008.

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Who controls

In order to guarantee to the final consumer the purchase of organic products actually responding to the specific characteristics permitted under European legislation, each step of the chain, from production to processing of foods, until their distribution and marketing, must be constantly checked and certified.

The operators in the sector, to use the EU organic logo and labeling, must then be checked, at least once a year, by a third "Control Body", independent and disinterested, which inspects the different stages of production, handling and processing of products, verifying compliance with rigid European rules and standards.

Third control bodies are authorized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, and must comply with:

  • principle of impartiality, which prevents any kind of advice or technical assistance towards the subject submitted to control;
  • principle of independence. To avoid any conflicts of interest, the control bodies are autonomous and external to the company.

The control bodies carry out their inspections on national territory through surveillance visits, regular or extraordinary aimed at:

  • checking the correct and continuous application of organic production system in the organic companies as well as compliance with the requirements of "conversion" of enterprises during their transition from non organic to organic farming;
  • certifying organic products, regulated by Reg. EC 834/2007, authorizing the use of the mark of conformity (the Community organic production logo) to be affixed on the labels of controlled products and on the promotional material of the firm.

The control procedure ends, in case of a positive result, with the issuance of a certificate that can be of three types:

  • Certification of controlled company;
  • Product certificate (whose validity is specific depending on the type of packaged product);
  • Authorization to label printing.